Cursive Curse


Today I was speaking to someone about her son’s switching schools. She was explaining that she and her husband moved him from a public school to a private one. Apparently, the new school requires all of its students to write their classwork and homework in cursive. We discussed the necessity of learning cursive, or rather the significance of it.

As a person who loves writing, it’s difficult for me to admit that I really don’t see the significance in learning cursive. It’s a good skill to know, to be well-rounded and all. But is it really necessary to force students to use only cursive and to give them bad marks or refuse their work if they don’t? I had difficulty learning it, and frankly, my penmanship is deplorable (as illustrated in my last blog post ). Do you know anyone who writes in perfect cursive?

I do. This chick is a beast when it comes to cursive writing. She also happens to read this blog. I don’t think she’s human; she’s more like some otherworldly goddess of script. Her penmanship is so perfect, I’m pretty sure she went through some kind of writing boot camp. I can’t even describe it. Every letter is the same height and width. Each word isn’t just between the lines but actually on the line. It’s unreal. Maybe she’s a robot.

Barring this otherworldly goddess of script robot friend of mine, I haven’t known anyone whose cursive writing is even legible. Most people’s penmanship looks like a serial killer’s confession letter.


And then there’s typing. I don’t agree with relying on technology or machines without learning to be self-sufficient in certain areas. But since the advent of the typewriter, our need to learn perfect penmanship has become increasingly antiquated.

I love writing, and I can’t over-emphasize the importance of learning to write. However, in this writer’s humble opinion, learning to print efficiently would be much more effective. At least then we would all be able to actually read what others have written.


10 responses to “Cursive Curse”

  1. Deborah the Closet Monster Avatar
    Deborah the Closet Monster

    I actually have pretty decent cursive, but I have to agree with you on this:
    However, in this writer’s humble opinion, learning to print efficiently would be much more effective.

    The “script robot” bit makes me giggle. When I was researching whales the summer I was eighteen, a friend found my unlined journal and popped it open. “This looks like it was written by a robot!” he told me, eyes agoggle as he scanned page after page of “too consistent” penmanship. That, though, was printed!

    1. Donnell Jeansonne Avatar
      Donnell Jeansonne

      I wish I could say the same about my penmanship. At first I’m very meticulous, then after I develop carpal tunnel syndrome, I’m like “F*** this!”, and I just go with my natural handwriting. Which can be described as ransom note/mad scientist. I wish I had a sample of my otherworldly goddess of script robot friend’s cursive to share. It’s unreal. I’m always teasing her about it, in good nature, of course. 🙂

      1. Donnell you inspire me to want to start writing again. Very long ago I used to use poetry to express myself and after reading your posts I feel like it could be a good release of stress because I know your passion for writing is getting you through the tough times within your life. I could only hope to be as good as you are in putting your thoughts into words.

      2. Donnell Jeansonne Avatar
        Donnell Jeansonne

        It is a very good way of coping with everything. Thank you. I’m glad I’ve inspired you. 🙂

  2. As I read this, I’m wondering which friend you are speaking of….

    1. Donnell Jeansonne Avatar
      Donnell Jeansonne

      I love you.

    2. Donnell Jeansonne Avatar
      Donnell Jeansonne

      Otherworldly Goddess of Script Robot Friend

      1. lol I wasn’t sure if you were speaking of me or Rachael. I love you more! I love reading your work, btw.

      2. Donnell Jeansonne Avatar
        Donnell Jeansonne

        💛 Thank you! 😀

  3. […] friend about whom I’ve previously written The Otherwordly Goddess of Script got me a giftcard to Walgreens. Those of you know have been following my blog long enough know the […]